
To our surprise we were recently contacted by a concerned website owner, accusing us of ripping/stealing their website content.

To make things clear we have decided to create this page, which will hopefully clear any discrepancies that may arise.

Our Templates:

All of the templates that can be found within our website have been designed and built by us and no-one else.

All of our free website templates can be used by anyone for both commercial and personal use. For further details about the licence that goes with our free templates please click here ».

With that said, all users who download and use our templates have to keep the footer credit link and the copyright notice in all files.

Although our link and or name can be seen on or in a vast amount of websites, it doesn't mean that we own or are responsible for those websites.

For all of those people who think we own or run websites that use our templates - "WRONG" we don't and we are not responsible in anyway for any websites that use our templates.


If you are a victim of a spammer or content thief, please conduct some research before you go out and accuse innocent bystanders.

Templates that we build have the following:

Footer Link across all pages that use our free template(s). e.g Template By OS Templates

Files that are used such as CSS and or JavaScript contain either a copyright notice from OS Templates or that of a 3rd party developer/owner.

A typical CSS file has the following:

Template Name: School Education
File: Layout CSS
Author: OS Templates
Author URI: http://www.os-templates.com/
Licence: <a href="http://www.os-templates.com/template-terms">Website Template Licence</a>


Please carry out in-depth research about anyone you think has stolen your content and please don't jump to non-related conclusions.

It will save you a lot of time, stress and writing emails that waste both your time and that of others.

A tip: check the WHOIS Database at Domain Tools and read this blog post.